Interview with a Dead Playwright: William Shakespeare

Day Two of Regected Halloween Week!

I love a good theme.

Don’t forget to vote for your favorite Halloween Creature HERE to help me decide what to be for Halloween.

If you’re AWESOME and voted, you’ll notice that the option of Ghost is missing.  That is because it’s officially the first LOSER, which also means it’s my first costume:

Freakin’ terrifying, I know.

So people don’t like ghosts.  Shocking.  Well that means I won’t be a ghost for Halloween – so what will I be?!  Only you can decide.

Speaking of ghosts and a segway as smooth as butter,

It’s time for my latest Brain Wave – Interviews with Dead Playwrights, because the live ones won’t talk to me !  Using the newest and latest and most expensive technology of Beer and Imagination, I sat down with the Ghost of the Bard himself, Mr. William Shakespeare!

AG: Seriously? You knew this was the Halloween week and you couldn’t even put on a costume?

Bill: You look ridiculous

AG: Yeah, says the man with the frilly collar.  Seriously, clown much?

Billy Shakes:  Don’t do that to me. Do you know who I am?

AG: Uh yah, do you know who I am?

Billy Shakes: No

AG: Fair enough. Can I offer you some black licorice or candy corn?

Shakes: Sure, I love black licorice and that candy corn is amusing in shape and texture.

AG: You really don’t read this blog, do you?

Shakes: I’m WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Let’s get on with it, shall we?

AG: Fine, fine. So Will,

Will: You may call me The Bard

AG: ….So Will, What made you decide to be a playwright?

Mister S: I couldn’t do anything else –

AG: AH YES! Being a playwright is a calling that surpasses all others, leaving you void of breath and full of words

Bill:  No really, I tried acting and I sucked so I wrote plays instead.  And then I got rich.

AG: You made money being a writer?

Shake Yo Mama: No, I made money being a Playwright.  And from writing the Sonnets. The Queen Looooved My Sonnets

Shakes: Yeah she did

AG: ….

The Bard: Put it in a metaphor, baby!

AG: …Too much candy corn?

Shakes: Too much candy corn

AG: All right, well, the real reason I asked you to be a part of this series is because you have a new movie coming out

Peare: Ugh, don’t remind me.

AG: And everybody wants to know-

Shakespeare: Listen. I probably wrote those plays, all right? I may or may not have put my blood, sweat and tears into each lingering word, which I  or somebody else probably  wrote by hand and with ink.

AG: What are you talking about? I wanted to know how it was working with Vanessa Redgrave

Shakespeare: You really focus on the wrong things, you know that?

AG: Oh, look, a butterfly!

Shakespeare: All right, I’m leaving

AG: NO WAIT! Can you give my readers some advice on Regection?

Shakespeare: You know you’re spelling it wrong

AG: We spell it like this around here.  It’s a whole thing. Please read my blog, William Shakespeare.

ShakeyShakes: Well, all I can say is Keep writing.  Because one day they’ll make a movie about you claiming another writer wrote all of your plays and it will all be worth it.

AG: WELL, that’s inspirational

Free Willie: Thanks.

AG: Do you have anything else to share?

Shakespeare: Just keep writing.  Never stop the words from flowing. And ah heck,

AG: What are you supposed to be?

Shakes: I’m Zorro.

AG: Yeah but why the hat?

William: Yeah but why the sheet you little –


19 comments on “Interview with a Dead Playwright: William Shakespeare

  1. Trish says:

    I just watched the trailer for this movie today. I know the theory has been around a long time, and am curious to see how it is received.

  2. I think this may be the best interview with Shakespeare I have ever read.

  3. brinkelizabeth says:


  4. Marcie Hill says:

    You are a creative nutcase. You didn’t call him “Bill” and “Shakes” didju? That was too funny! And I love the way you integrated the most hated candy from previous posts into this one.

  5. zencherry says:

    (Wipes eyes) Clown much? Oh jeez…you’re just the funniest blogger ever. (Snort laughs) You rock!

  6. Publius Americus says:

    Oxfordians: Bah! #unendingslapfights

  7. Elise Andrews says:

    This is why I’m stalking you first…. *big manga eyes with love hearts*

  8. fishducky says:

    I didst loveth today’s post.

    Queen Elizabeth I

  9. I had no idea Shakespear liked candy corn. Yuck.

  10. melynda says:

    i vote you should dress up as ol Willie for Halloween! Since you want to be a playwright also it would be awesome. Please wear the collar and post a picture.. mwahahaha.. Your comments had me rolling today. Goad you were amused. I’ll tell which fact was a total lie tomorrow..

  11. Elisa says:

    I flippin’ LOVE this. “Billy Shakes” ROFL!!!!!

  12. “I’m Zorro.” Hahahahahahaha…..This one cracked me up and got me thinking that I need to do a Halloween post. You’ve done a whole week. I”m slackin’.

  13. skylah1053 says:

    Please interview Mark Twain and ask him how he feels about Volume One of his Autobiography being 700 something pages. I bet he’d make a good Santa for Halloween too.

  14. Saronai says:

    boooo my favourite was regected (bad pun intended)!

    I almost didn’t vote for it because it’s not my favourite -costume- for Halloween, but my favourite stories involve them more than the others. After all, the spooky stories on Halloween ARE called GHOST stories.

    It’s okay ghosts, I’m here for ya.

  15. Adeel Salman says:

    I wish Shakespeare could have read this….. 😀

  16. shelovestea says:

    phone interview. deep depression. read your awesome post. all this within the last hour. and now i feel better. thanks, this was really fun to read.

  17. amandapoverseas says:

    The part about the Queen reminds me of:

  18. […] Tuesday – Interview with a Dead Playwright: William Shakespeare […]

  19. […] finally snapped” “His first interview was with the Bard himself, William Shakespeare (CLICK HERE TO READ) how can he possibly top […]

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