Guest Blog: Ultimate Regection by April Denton

Hey all!

Toady I’m a Zombie in honor of one of my favorite writers, Miss April Denton!  You can check out her blog HERE

April is one of my favorite writers; she’s writes everything from poems to zombierotica to fiction and she’s the leader of the Zweeps Army.

So, without further ado, I give you her wonderful eerie poem,

Ultimate Rejection

“Prepare for the end” they said,

for we must survive among the dead.

The zombies came from to and fro,

they came crashing through my window.

My shot rang out loud and clear,

then I realized my worst fear.

For the shot was like a call,

“come horde, it’s a feast for all.”

Retreat now don’t haste,

these decaying monsters won’t be outfaced.

Avoid their bite that is how it’s spread,

first the fever and then you’re dead.

One sunk their teeth into my wrist,

blew the head off that ugly witch.

Praying for useless hope,

maybe with this I can cope.

Immortal and hungry,

decaying and angry.

Death I reject you,

my hunger I will pursue.

A zombie I will become,

feasting forever in bedlam.

Hunting and stalking my next fare,

my lungs will need no air.

My body will never tire,

sleep I don’t require.

Death a rejection,

my gift the infection.

April Denton is a zombie poetess that enjoys the darker side of the undead. When she is not writing, which is very rare, she is drawing or singing. She resides in Indiana with her husband and young son. Read April’s work at
poetry & zombies and follow her on Twitter


15 comments on “Guest Blog: Ultimate Regection by April Denton

  1. […] for me, even more so because it is AG. So please hop on over to his blog and check out my poem Ultimate Rejection and make sure to follow him while you are […]

  2. Adeel Salman says:

    🙂 very creative… somehow i could hear Limp Bizkit singing it in my head if it is ever to be sung… great post April… you and AG should collaborate on a blog together… very well done…

    • April Denton says:

      Thank you so much! Limp Bizkit is awesome, that is a huge compliment. I agree we should AG’s epic humor and my darkness would be very interesting together. 🙂

  3. Elisa says:

    Sooo much talent. I love the irony in this 🙂

  4. líaa says:

    I loved this! What an perfect Halloween poem! 😀 zombies are great and your poetic voice is very strong. I enjoyed this so much!

  5. I’ve tried, and failed, many times to write poetry, which is why I appreciate an excellent one when i read it 🙂

  6. zencherry says:

    Oh wow! Wow, wow, wow! That was AWESOME! Serious skills coming out of your inkwell there April. And Regected? Loved the zombie pic. 😉

    • April Denton says:

      Thank you so so much Maureen! AG didn’t help me on this one, but I think we should collaborate on something sometime, it would be epic. Happy Halloween! 🙂

  7. Beautiful!!! 😀 Indeed April is a great blogger. And a very creative poet 🙂

  8. […] Friday – Guest Blog: April Denton’s Poem, Ultimate Regection […]

  9. Marcie says:

    I’m not big into zombies, but I appreciate your passion through this poem. Excellent talent!

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